Lisa Kirby speaks out on "Fantastic Four" flick

The daughter of legendary comics artists and FF creator Jack Kirby tells the Los Angeles Times that her dad's name will be listed in the credits of the new film, but the Kirby Estate hasn't been promised any money from the film.

"I have mixed feelings every time one of these movies comes out," Lisa Kirby said. "My dad would be amazed that they're making these superhero movies — that his characters are still alive and that people are still enjoying them. Then again, it's disheartening that he isn't getting as much recognition as he should."

Also, while Marvel reaps the rewards of Lee's and Kirby's creations through licensing and profit agreements, Kirby's heirs see nary a dime. Because Kirby was considered "work for hire" when he was drawing for Marvel, the company has complete ownership of the characters.

(Any doubt about Kirby's employment status was put to an end in 1987, when, in exchange for the return of his original art, Kirby signed a document giving up any rights he might have had in the characters he created.)

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