DVD: Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea Global Warming Edition

Out June 5, this new edition of the sci-fi film that spawned the TV series of the same name seems more timely than ever.

Consider the plot:

A routine scientific expedition to the North Pole turns into a race to save all mankind when a radiation belt in space causes a fiery inferno on Earth. Admiral Nelson (Walter Pidgeon) and the crew of the atomic submarine Seaview battle saboteurs, giant sea-creatures and attacks by enemy submarines as they race to prevent global catastrophe.

Renowned disaster film producer, Irwin Allen, produces and directs an all-star cast including Joan Fontaine, Barbara Eden, Peter Lore, and Frankie Avalon. The stunning visual effects and breathtaking underwater photography make this one of the most respected sci-fi adventure classics of all time.

This is a one-disk package with no word on extras yet. You can pre-order it now from Amazon.

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